Unit Converter

Unit Converter

Unit Converter – Conversion of Measurement in Oil and Gas No matter how many years we have had the metric system in place in Canada, we are always going to be dealing with imperial units.  One question that has been asked time and time again, (and have seen...
Meter Proving: Precision and Certainty is Everything

Meter Proving: Precision and Certainty is Everything

Performance and safety are both dependent on the accuracy of your tools, and without knowing how accurate they are, you put your teams and your budgets at risk.  Why do we prove meters?  To provide accurate measurement to minimize losses and maximize...
Boilers & Utility Heating – An In-Depth Guide

Boilers & Utility Heating – An In-Depth Guide

In the oil and gas industry, utility heating is required in seasonal drilling and completion programs along with turnaround maintenance. What Utility Heat Services are used For There are several applications for utility heat, here are just some of the options: 1...