Device Electrification Installations
Intricate implements technology agnostic device electrification projects using grid, solar, or other renewable energy technologies best suited for the application. This includes electric pumps and/or electrification of pneumatic controllers.
Instrument Air Installations
Intricate can scope, design, engineer, and implement skid or custom instrument air installations that meet carbon offset protocol requirements.
Pneumatic Controller Upgrades
As of January 1st, 2023, pneumatic controllers in place before January 1st, 2022 are required to be "low bleed". If your assets are out of compliance and require retrofit, Intricate can provide best fit technology and/or upgrades to meet compliance and in some cases exceed with the opportunity to generate revenue through offset credits.
Vent Gas Capture Installations
Intricate's proprietary VG capture technology was developed in partnership with our trusted clients. This is cost-effective with a fast return on investment technology and eliminates venting from pneumatic pumps and controllers.
Vent Gas Reduction Installations
Intricate can scope, design, engineer, implement, and data collect solution gas technologies, e.g., incinerators, combustors, VRUs, Bitcoin mining.
Intricate is participating in the Miserable Miles run to honour Kennedy and support the positive spirit she brought to the town of Peace River. The proceeds from this event will go to École Springfi eld Elementary to help fund Kennedy’s Courtyard.
Please join Intricate in raising money to support this cause.