Empowering Decision-Making with Precision
Software Modules
Intricate provides customizable software modules and accompanying support and training services to help businesses streamline their processes and increase efficiency.
DEHY Glycol Dehydrator
Manage dehydrator and refrigerator inventory. Manage schedule, emissions simulations, and DEOS.
EMIS Emissions
Manage and report the volume, mass, and intensities of emissions as well as specific air contaminants.
FEMP Fugitive Emissions
Schedule surveys screenings and FEMP activities. Gather leak data through the web or mobile applications. Manage leak repairs and quantification.
FFVS Fuel Flare Vent System
Manage inventory and quantification of emitters. Facilitate workflow and approvals for fuel flare vent volumetric and mass reporting.
FTA Field Tech App
Mobile data collection and validation. Data capture online or offline with offline data locally stored for upload later.
MMMS Meter Maintenance Management System
Management of field meters through scheduling, validation, approval, data management, trending, and reports.
MSAPR Multi Sector Air Pollutants Regulations
Manage testing schedules, inventories, and reporting for stationary combustion engines, heaters, and boilers.
MMS Meter Schematic Management System
Document control and redlining management tool with interactive interface to sample, meter, fuel flare vent and production data.
OE Operational Excellence
Project management tool that streamlines operations by offering features such as base configuration, project and e-form management, document organization, and deficiency tracking.
SAMS Sampling and Analysis Management System
Management of field sample points through scheduling, validation, approval, data management, trending, and reports.
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition & Centralized Data management System
Field data capture and support daily operations. Manage operations from small to large and complex industrial processes. Centralized data from SCADA and third party systems.